حج 2016 کے لئے اہم خبر
How to get new SIM on HAJJ
Sim Cards during Haj 1437
As per the rules and regulations implemented this year in Saudi Arabia, sim cards can only be issued against the PP copy, Haj Visa Copy and finger prints of Hujjaj Kiram. There are no loose sim cards available in the market. Every haji must go by himself/herself to the telecome company and show their
1-PP copy
2-Haj Visa copy
3-Border control number (رقم الدخول )
4-Give his/her finger print.
Only after the above procedure, any haji could get a sim card.
There are Kiosks available at the airport as well. It is recommended that hujjaj shall get the sim card from the airport as they would have alot of spare time there. Otherwise they would have to go to the company branches in Makkah or Madina which would be difficult for them. Also at the airport, their Passports would be in their hands and so if any other details is required from them, they would be able to give it easily. After leaving airport Hujjaj Kiram's Original PPs are taken from them and returned to them at their departure time at the airport.
Out of all the telecom companies, Saudi Telecom Company (STC) is the most preferred one as it gives the best network in critical areas in Makkah, Madina and specially in Mashaer (Mina-Arafa-Muzdalefa) along with good calling and internet plans.
All Masooleen shall pass this vital information to Hujjaj Kiram and make them keep their PP and Haj Visa copies handy before they depart from their native countries.
Re: Border Control Number (رقم الدخول)
It is the number given to each haji on his/her passport during immigration at the arrival in Saudia. So they need to secure it (by taking the snap of the page or by writing it somewher) after immigration at Saudi Airport. The border control number (رقم الدخول) should be on the page next to Haj Visa Page on the passport.
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